May 10, 2017
Mayo Clinic Q&A
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My grandmother, who is 82, has no major health issues, but she’s become rather...
April 16, 2017
By Susan B. Garland
People who are newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease typically experience a tsunami of emotions:...
February 13, 2017
By Kevin Sterne
Respite care eases the burdens on caregivers
Caring for an aging parent can be physically and mentally...
August 9, 2016
By Rhonda Alexander
Resident-centered care aims to meet the needs of individuals
What would you like to do today? It seems...
July 11, 2016
By Laura Drucker
My grandfather did not want to die. From hospital to home, back to hospital and finally to hospice, he...
July 2, 2016
By Charlotte S. Yeh, M.D.
Harvard Health Blog
For many years, it was clear that my father was becoming hard of hearing. Normally...
February 9, 2016
By Nancy Maes
When your aging parent or loved one starts forgetting to take medications, lets unopened...
February 4, 2016
Harvard Health Letter
Moving from your own home to an assisted living facility can present some emotional...
February 4, 2016
By Eleanor Laise, Kiplinger Retirement Report
The vast majority of seniors don’t have long-term-care...
February 4, 2016
By Christopher J. Gearon, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report
As you approach your final 10 or so years...
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